Dropship ordering is available to our existing customers with authorized accounts. We will bill your current account with us, while shipping the product directly to your customer. In order to create a seamless dropship ordering process, there is information we need from you.
Please click the button below to download our Dropship Order form. This form needs to be filled out and sent to us for every new dropship order that is placed.
Once the form is filled out please send it as an attachment to [email protected]
Someone from our customer service team will respond with confirmation on the order and when it will ship.
As an alternative you may also email all of these details to us in a text format, bypassing the form.
Please be sure to include ALL of the following details or your order will not be processed:
Account details (for billing)
Company name:
Phone number (as we have it on your account):
Name of person placing the order:
Complete store/company address:
Drop ship details
Full name:
Shipping address:
Apt /suite number if applicable:
Phone number:
*Item(s) on order (please list any and all skus your customer wishes to order):
If items are not available for any reason, customer service will reach out to you within 24 hours.
Shipment Details
Shipping method:
Should we include invoice in the box?
Do you need a gift box?
Delivery date requested: